Excitation strings and topological surgery in artificial spin ice

Abstract in English

Systems of interacting nanomagnets known as artificial spin ices are models for exotic behavior due to their accessibility to geometries and measurement modalities that are not available in natural materials. Despite being fundamentally composed of binary moments, these systems often display collective phenomena associated with emergent higher-order frustration. We have studied the vertex-frustrated Santa Fe ice, examining its moment structure both after annealing near the ferromagnetic Curie point, and in a thermally dynamic state. We experimentally demonstrate the existence of a disordered string ground state, in which the magnetic structure can be understood through the topology of emergent strings of local excitations. We also show that the system can support a long-range-ordered ground state for certain ratios of local interactions. Both states are accessible via moment reversals only through topological surgery, i.e., the breaking of pairs of crossed strings and their reattachment in topologically inequivalent configurations. While we observe instances of topological surgery in our experimental data, such events are energetically suppressed, and we find that an apparent kinetic bottleneck associated with topological surgery precludes the system from achieving either ground state through local moment flips. Santa Fe ice thus represents an unusual instance of competition between topological complexity and ordering, suggesting analogous structures in the quantum realm.
