Multi-Mask Self-Supervised Learning for Physics-Guided Neural Networks in Highly Accelerated MRI

Abstract in English

Purpose: To develop an improved self-supervised learning strategy that efficiently uses the acquired data for training a physics-guided reconstruction network without a database of fully-sampled data. Methods: Currently self-supervised learning for physics-guided reconstruction networks splits acquired undersampled data into two disjoint sets, where one is used for data consistency (DC) in the unrolled network and the other to define the training loss. The proposed multi-mask self-supervised learning via data undersampling (SSDU) splits acquired measurements into multiple pairs of disjoint sets for each training sample, while using one of these sets for DC units and the other for defining loss, thereby more efficiently using the undersampled data. Multi-mask SSDU is applied on fully-sampled 3D knee and prospectively undersampled 3D brain MRI datasets, which are retrospectively subsampled to acceleration rate (R)=8, and compared to CG-SENSE and single-mask SSDU DL-MRI, as well as supervised DL-MRI when fully-sampled data is available. Results: Results on knee MRI show that the proposed multi-mask SSDU outperforms SSDU and performs closely with supervised DL-MRI, while significantly outperforming CG-SENSE. A clinical reader study further ranks the multi-mask SSDU higher than supervised DL-MRI in terms of SNR and aliasing artifacts. Results on brain MRI show that multi-mask SSDU achieves better reconstruction quality compared to SSDU and CG-SENSE. Reader study demonstrates that multi-mask SSDU at R=8 significantly improves reconstruction compared to single-mask SSDU at R=8, as well as CG-SENSE at R=2. Conclusion: The proposed multi-mask SSDU approach enables improved training of physics-guided neural networks without fully-sampled data, by enabling efficient use of the undersampled data with multiple masks.
