Heavy axion-like particles and core-collapse supernovae: constraints and impact on the explosion mechanism

Abstract in English

Heavy axion-like particles (ALPs), with masses $m_a gtrsim 100$ keV, coupled with photons, would be copiously produced in a supernova (SN) core via Primakoff process and photon coalescence. Using a state-of-the-art SN model, we revisit the energy-loss SN 1987A bounds on axion-photon coupling. Moreover, we point out that heavy ALPs with masses $m_a gtrsim 100$ MeV and axion-photon coupling $g_{agamma} gtrsim 4 times 10^{-9}$ GeV$^{-1}$ would decay into photons behind the shock-wave producing a possible enhancement in the energy deposition that would boost the SN shock revival.
