Single-scan, dual-functional interferometer for fast spatiotemporal characterization of few-cycle pulses

Abstract in English

Accurate and fast characterization of spatiotemporal information of high-intensity, ultrashort pulses is crucial in the field of strong-field laser science and technology. While conventional self-referenced interferometers were widely used to retrieve the spatial profile of the relative spectral phase of pulses, additional measurements of temporal and spectral information at a particular position of the laser beam were, however, necessary to remove the indeterminacy, which increases the system complexity. Here we report an advanced, dual-functional interferometer that is able to reconstruct the complete spatiotemporal information of ultrashort pulses with a single scan of the interferometer arm. The set-up integrates an interferometric frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG) with a radial shearing Michelson interferometer. Trough scanning one arm of the interferometer, both cross-correlated FROG trace at the central part of the laser beam and delay-dependent interferograms of the entire laser profile are simultaneously obtained, allowing a fast 3-dimensional reconstruction of few-cycle laser pulses.
