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Instance Segmentation, which seeks to obtain both class and instance labels for each pixel in the input image, is a challenging task in computer vision. State-of-the-art algorithms often employ two separate stages, the first one generating object proposals and the second one recognizing and refining the boundaries. Further, proposals are usually based on detectors such as faster R-CNN which search for boxes in the entire image exhaustively. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm that directly utilizes a fully convolutional network (FCN) to predict instance labels. Specifically, we propose a variational relaxation of instance segmentation as minimizing an optimization functional for a piecewise-constant segmentation problem, which can be used to train an FCN end-to-end. It extends the classical Mumford-Shah variational segmentation problem to be able to handle permutation-invariant labels in the ground truth of instance segmentation. Experiments on PASCAL VOC 2012, Semantic Boundaries dataset(SBD), and the MSCOCO 2017 dataset show that the proposed approach efficiently tackle the instance segmentation task. The source code and trained models will be released with the paper.
Obtaining precise instance segmentation masks is of high importance in many modern applications such as robotic manipulation and autonomous driving. Currently, many state of the art models are based on the Mask R-CNN framework which, while very powerful, outputs masks at low resolutions which could result in imprecise boundaries. On the other hand, classic variational methods for segmentation impose desirable global and local data and geometry constraints on the masks by optimizing an energy functional. While mathematically elegant, their direct dependence on good initialization, non-robust image cues and manual setting of hyperparameters renders them unsuitable for modern applications. We propose LevelSet R-CNN, which combines the best of both worlds by obtaining powerful feature representations that are combined in an end-to-end manner with a variational segmentation framework. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on COCO and Cityscapes datasets.
In this paper, we propose PolyTransform, a novel instance segmentation algorithm that produces precise, geometry-preserving masks by combining the strengths of prevailing segmentation approaches and modern polygon-based methods. In particular, we first exploit a segmentation network to generate instance masks. We then convert the masks into a set of polygons that are then fed to a deforming network that transforms the polygons such that they better fit the object boundaries. Our experiments on the challenging Cityscapes dataset show that our PolyTransform significantly improves the performance of the backbone instance segmentation network and ranks 1st on the Cityscapes test-set leaderboard. We also show impressive gains in the interactive annotation setting. We release the code at
Most of the modern instance segmentation approaches fall into two categories: region-based approaches in which object bounding boxes are detected first and later used in cropping and segmenting instances; and keypoint-based approaches in which individual instances are represented by a set of keypoints followed by a dense pixel clustering around those keypoints. Despite the maturity of these two paradigms, we would like to report an alternative affinity-based paradigm where instances are segmented based on densely predicted affinities and graph partitioning algorithms. Such affinity-based approaches indicate that high-level graph features other than regions or keypoints can be directly applied in the instance segmentation task. In this work, we propose Deep Affinity Net, an effective affinity-based approach accompanied with a new graph partitioning algorithm Cascade-GAEC. Without bells and whistles, our end-to-end model results in 32.4% AP on Cityscapes val and 27.5% AP on test. It achieves the best single-shot result as well as the fastest running time among all affinity-based models. It also outperforms the region-based method Mask R-CNN.
We propose a new method for semantic instance segmentation, by first computing how likely two pixels are to belong to the same object, and then by grouping similar pixels together. Our similarity metric is based on a deep, fully convolutional embedding model. Our grouping method is based on selecting all points that are sufficiently similar to a set of seed points, chosen from a deep, fully convolutional scoring model. We show competitive results on the Pascal VOC instance segmentation benchmark.
We present a weakly supervised instance segmentation algorithm based on deep community learning with multiple tasks. This task is formulated as a combination of weakly supervised object detection and semantic segmentation, where individual objects of the same class are identified and segmented separately. We address this problem by designing a unified deep neural network architecture, which has a positive feedback loop of object detection with bounding box regression, instance mask generation, instance segmentation, and feature extraction. Each component of the network makes active interactions with others to improve accuracy, and the end-to-end trainability of our model makes our results more robust and reproducible. The proposed algorithm achieves state-of-the-art performance in the weakly supervised setting without any additional training such as Fast R-CNN and Mask R-CNN on the standard benchmark dataset. The implementation of our algorithm is available on the project webpage: