High-Q Interstitial Square Coupled Microring Resonators Arrays

Abstract in English

The properties of the square array of coupled Microring Resonators (MRRs) with interstitial rings are studied. Dispersion behavior of the interstitial square coupled MRRs is obtained through the transfer matrix method with the Floquet-Bloch periodic condition. Analytical formulas of the eigen wave vectors, band gaps and eigen mode vectors are derived for the special cases of the interstitial square coupled MRRs array with identical couplers and the regular square coupled MRRs array without the interstitial rings. Then, the eigen modes field distribution are calculated for each of the four eigen wave vectors for a given frequency through the secular equation. Finally, numerical simulation is performed for an interstitial square coupled MRRs array with identical couplers and a regular square coupled MRRs array. The simulation result verifies the analytical analysis. Finally, the loaded quality factors of the interstitial 5-ring configuration, the regular 4-ring configuration and the 1-ring configuration are obtained. It is found that the loaded quality factor of the interstitial 5-ring configuration is up to 20 times and 8 times as high as those of the 1-ring configuration and the regular 4-ring configuration respectively, mainly due to the degenerated eigen modes at the resonant frequency. Thus, the interstitial square coupled MRRs array has the great potential to form high-quality integrated photonics components, including filters and resonance based sensing devices like the parity-time symmetric sensors.
