Photoionization modelling of quiescence phase spectra of novae & symbiotic star

Abstract in English

We present results of study, using observed and published spectra in optical region, of few novae (T CrB, GK Per, RS Oph, V3890 Sgr and V745 Sco) in their quiescence phase and a symbiotic star (BX Mon). Observations were made using the facilities available at 2m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT). Generally, the spectra show prominent low ionization emission features of hydrogen, helium, iron and oxygen and TiO absorption features due to the cool secondary component; T CrB and GK Per show higher ionization lines. We used photoionization code CLOUDY to model these spectra. From the best-fit models, we have estimated the physical parameters, e.g., temperature, luminosity & hydrogen density; estimated elemental abundances and other parameters related to the system. By matching the spectra of various giants with the absorption features and from the best-fit, we determined the type of secondaries and also their contribution to the spectra.
