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Common envelope (CE) phases in binary systems where the primary star reaches the tip of the red giant branch are discussed as a formation scenario for hot subluminous B-type (sdB) stars. For some of these objects, observations point to very low-mass companions. In hydrodynamical CE simulations with the moving-mesh code AREPO, we test whether low-mass objects can successfully unbind the envelope. The success of envelope removal in our simulations critically depends on whether or not the ionization energy released by recombination processes in the expanding material is taken into account. If this energy is thermalized locally, envelope ejection eventually leading to the formation of an sdB star is possible with companion masses down to the brown dwarf range. For even lower companion masses approaching the regime of giant planets, however, envelope removal becomes increasingly difficult or impossible to achieve. Our results are consistent with current observational constraints on companion masses of sdB stars. Based on a semianalytic model, we suggest a new criterion for the lowest companion mass that is capable of triggering a dynamical response of the primary star thus potentially facilitating the ejection of a common envelope. This gives an estimate consistent with the findings of our hydrodynamical simulations.
It has been suggested that besides stellar companions, substellar objects in close orbits may be able to trigger mass loss in a common envelope phase and form hot subdwarfs. In an ongoing project we search for close substellar companions combining time resolved high resolution spectroscopy with photometry. We determine the fraction of as yet undetected radial velocity variable systems from a sample of 27 apparently single sdB stars to be 16%. We discovered low-mass stellar companions to the He-sdB CPD-20 1123 and the pulsator KPD 0629-0016. The brown dwarf reported to orbit the eclipsing binary SDSS J0820+0008 could be confirmed by an analysis of high resolution spectra taken with UVES. Reflection effects have been detected in the light curves of the known sdB binaries CPD-64 481 and BPS CS 22169-0001. The inclinations of these systems must be much higher than expected and the most likely companion masses are in the substellar regime. Finally, we determined the orbit of the sdB binary PHL 457, which has a very small radial velocity amplitude and may host the lowest mass substellar companion known. The implications of these new results for the open question of sdB formation are discussed.
Evolution of close binaries often proceeds through the common envelope stage. The physics of the envelope ejection (CEE) is not yet understood, and several mechanisms were suggested to be involved. These could give rise to different timescales for the CEE mass-loss. In order to probe the CEE-timescales we study wide companions to post-CE binaries. Faster mass-loss timescales give rise to higher disruption rates of wide binaries and result in larger average separations. We make use of data from Gaia DR2 to search for ultra-wide companions (projected separations $10^3$-$2times 10^5$ a.u. and $M_2 > 0.4$ M$_odot$) to several types of post-CEE systems, including sdBs, white-dwarf post-common binaries, and cataclysmic variables. We find a (wide-orbit) multiplicity fraction of $1.4pm 0.2$ per cent for sdBs to be compared with a multiplicity fraction of $5.0pm 0.2$ per cent for late-B/A/F stars which are possible sdB progenitors. The distribution of projected separations of ultra-wide pairs to main sequence stars and sdBs differs significantly and is compatible with prompt mass loss (upper limit on common envelope ejection timescale of $10^2$ years). The smaller statistics of ultra-wide companions to cataclysmic variables and post-CEE binaries provide weaker constraints. Nevertheless, the survival rate of ultra-wide pairs to the cataclysmic variables suggest much longer, $sim10^4$ years timescales for the CEE in these systems, possibly suggesting non-dynamical CEE in this regime.
We give a brief review over the observational evidence for close substellar companions to hot subdwarf stars. The formation of these core helium-burning objects requires huge mass loss of their red giant progenitors. It has been suggested that besides stellar companions substellar objects in close orbits may be able to trigger this mass loss. Such objects can be easily detected around hot subdwarf stars by medium or high resolution spectroscopy with an RV accuracy at the km/s-level. Eclipsing systems of HW Vir type stick out of transit surveys because of their characteristic light curves. The best evidence that substellar objects in close orbits around sdBs exist and that they are able to trigger the required mass loss is provided by the eclipsing system SDSS J0820+0008, which was found in the course of the MUCHFUSS project. Furthermore, several candidate systems have been discovered.
Over half of all observed hot subdwarf B (sdB) stars are found in binaries, and over half of these are found in close configurations with orbital periods of 10$ ,rm{d}$ or less. In order to estimate the companion masses in these predominantly single-lined systems, tidal locking has frequently been assumed for sdB binaries with periods less than half a day. Observed non-synchronicity of a number of close sdB binaries challenges that assumption and hence provides an ideal testbed for tidal theory. We solve the second-order differential equations for detailed 1D stellar models of sdB stars to obtain the tidal dissipation strength and hence to estimate the tidal synchronization time-scale owing to Zahns dynamical tide. The results indicate synchronization time-scales longer than the sdB lifetime in all observed cases. Further, we examine the roles of convective overshooting and convective dissipation in the core of sdB stars and find no theoretical framework in which tidally-induced synchronization should occur.
Common-envelope evolution (CEE) is the short-lived phase in the life of an interacting binary-system during which two stars orbit inside a single shared envelope. Such evolution is thought to lead to the inspiral of the binary, the ejection of the extended envelope and the formation of a remnant short-period binary. However, detailed hydrodynamical models of CEE encounter major difficulties. They show that following the inspiral most of the envelope is not ejected; though it expands to larger separations, it remains bound to the binary. Here we propose that dust-driven winds can be produced following the CEE. These can evaporate the envelope following similar processes operating in the ejection of the envelopes of AGB stars. Pulsations in an AGB-star drives the expansion of its envelope, allowing the material to cool down to low temperatures thus enabling dust condensation. Radiation pressure on the dust accelerates it, and through its coupling to the gas it drives winds which eventually completely erode the envelope. We show that the inspiral phase in CE-binaries can effectively replace the role of stellar pulsation and drive the CE expansion to scales comparable with those of AGB stars, and give rise to efficient mass-loss through dust-driven winds.