Probing dynamics of water mass transfer in organic porous photocatalyst water-splitting materials by neutron spectroscopy

Abstract in English

The quest for efficient and economically accessible cleaner methods to develop sustainable carbon-free energy sources induced a keen interest in the production of hydrogen fuel. This can be achieved via the water-splitting process exploiting solar energy but requiring the use of adequate photocatalysts. Covalent triazine-based frameworks (CTFs) are target photocatalysts for water-splitting. Both electronic and structural characteristics of CTFs, optical bandgaps and porosity, are directly relevant for water-splitting. These can be engineered through chemical design. Porosity can be beneficial to water-splitting by providing larger surface area for the catalytic reactions. However, porosity can also affect both charge transport within the photocatalyst and mass transfer of both reactants and products, thus impacting the overall kinetics of the reaction. We focus on the link between chemical design and water (reactants) mass transfer, playing a key role in the water uptake process and the subsequent hydrogen generation. We use neutron spectroscopy to study water mass transfer in two porous CTFs, CTF-CN and CTF-2, that differ in the polarity of their struts. Quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) is used to quantify the amount of bound water and the translational diffusion of water. Inelastic neutron scattering measurements complement QENS and provides insights into the softness of the CTF structures and the changes in librational degrees of freedom of water in CTFs. We show that CTF-CN exhibits smaller surface area and water uptake due to a softer structure than CTF-2. The current study leads to new insights into the structure-dynamics-property relationship of CTF photo-catalysts that pave the road for a better understanding of the guest-host interaction at the basis of water splitting applications.
