We present a reanalysis of several years of DIMM data at the site of Dome C, Antarctica, to provide measurements of the coherence time $tau_0$. Statistics and seasonal behaviour of $tau_0$ are given at two heights above the ground, 3m and 8m, for the wavelength $lambda=500$nm. We found an annual median value of $2.9$ms at the height of 8m. A few measurements could also be obtained at the height of 20m and give a median value of 6ms during the period June--September. For the first time, we provide measurements of $tau_0$ in daytime during the summer, which appears to show the same time dependence as the seeing with a sharp maximum at 5pm local time. Exceptional values of $tau_0$ above 10ms are met at this particular moment. The continuous slow variations of turbulence conditions during the day offers a natural test bed for a solar adaptive optics system.