Topological Gaps by Twisting

Abstract in English

It is shown that twisted $n$-layers have an intrinsic degree of freedom living on $2n$-tori, which is the phason supplied by the relative slidings of the layers and that the twist generates pseudo magnetic fields. As a result, twisted $n$-layers host intrinsic higher dimensional topological phases and those characterized by second Chern numbers can be found in a twisted bi-layer. Indeed, our investigation of phononic lattices with interactions modulated by a second twisted lattice reveals Hofstadter-like spectral butterflies in terms of the twist angle, whose gaps carry the predicted topological invariants. Our work demonstrates how multi-layered systems are virtual laboratories for studying the physics of higher dimensional quantum Hall effect and how to generate topological edge chiral modes by simply sliding the layers relative to each other. In the context of classical metamaterials, both photonic and phononic, these findings open a path to engineering topological pumping via simple twisting and sliding.
