TIC 278956474: Two close binaries in one young quadruple system, identified by textit{TESS}

Abstract in English

We have identified a quadruple system with two close eclipsing binaries in TESS data. The object is unresolved in Gaia and appears as a single source at parallax 1.08~$pm$0.01 mas. Both binaries have observable primary and secondary eclipses and were monitored throughout TESS Cycle 1 (sectors 1-13), falling within the TESS Continuous Viewing Zone. In one eclipsing binary (P = 5.488 d), the smaller star is completely occluded by the larger star during the secondary eclipse; in the other (P = 5.674 d) both eclipses are grazing. Using these data, spectroscopy, speckle photometry, SED analysis and evolutionary stellar tracks, we have constrained the masses and radii of the four stars in the two eclipsing binaries. The Li I EW indicates an age of 10-50 Myr and, with an outer period of $858^{+7}_{-5}$ days, our analysis indicates this is one of the most compact young 2+2 quadruple systems known.
