Gandhipedia: A one-stop AI-enabled portal for browsing Gandhian literature, life-events and his social network

Abstract in English

We introduce an AI-enabled portal that presents an excellent visualization of Mahatma Gandhis life events by constructing temporal and spatial social networks from the Gandhian literature. Applying an ensemble of methods drawn from NLTK, Polyglot and Spacy we extract the key persons and places that find mentions in Gandhis written works. We visualize these entities and connections between them based on co-mentions within the same time frame as networks in an interactive web portal. The nodes in the network, when clicked, fire search queries about the entity and all the information about the entity presented in the corresponding book from which the network is constructed, are retrieved and presented back on the portal. Overall, this system can be used as a digital and user-friendly resource to study Gandhian literature.
