Aquareum: A Centralized Ledger Enhanced with Blockchain and Trusted Computing

Abstract in English

Distributed ledger systems (i.e., blockchains) have received a lot of attention recently. They promise to enable mutually untrusted participants to execute transactions, while providing the immutability of the transaction history and censorship resistance. Although decentralized ledgers may become a disruptive innovation, as of today, they suffer from scalability, privacy, or governance issues. Therefore, they are inapplicable for many important use cases, where interestingly, centralized ledger systems quietly gain adoption and find new use cases. Unfortunately, centralized ledgers have also several drawbacks, like a lack of efficient verifiability or a higher risk of censorship and equivocation. In this paper, we present Aquareum, a novel framework for centralized ledgers removing their main limitations. By combining a trusted execution environment with a public blockchain platform, Aquareum provides publicly verifiable, non-equivocating, censorship-evident, private, and high-performance ledgers. Aquareum ledgers are integrated with a Turing-complete virtual machine, allowing arbitrary transaction processing logics, including tokens or client-specified smart contracts. Aquareum is fully implemented and deployment-ready, even with currently existing technologies.
