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Automatic Android Deprecated-API Usage Update by Learning from Single Updated Example

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 Publication date 2020
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Due to the deprecation of APIs in the Android operating system,developers have to update usages of the APIs to ensure that their applications work for both the past and curre

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301 - Qi Shen , Shijun Wu , Yanzhen Zou 2021
Nowadays, developers often reuse existing APIs to implement their programming tasks. A lot of API usage patterns are mined to help developers learn API usage rules. However, there are still many missing variables to be synthesized when developers integrate the patterns into their programming context. To deal with this issue, we propose a comprehensive approach to integrate API usage patterns in this paper. We first perform an empirical study by analyzing how API usage patterns are integrated in real-world projects. We find the expressions for variable synthesis is often non-trivial and can be divided into 5 syntax types. Based on the observation, we promote an approach to help developers interactively complete API usage patterns. Compared to the existing code completion techniques, our approach can recommend infrequent expressions accompanied with their real-world usage examples according to the user intent. The evaluation shows that our approach could assist users to integrate APIs more efficiently and complete the programming tasks faster than existing works.
Programming tutorials are often created to demonstrate programming tasks with code examples. However, our study of Stack Overflow questions reveals the low utilization of high-quality programming tutorials, which is caused task description mismatch and code information overload. Document search can find relevant tutorial documents, but they often cannot find specific programming actions and code solutions relevant to the developers task needs. The recently proposed activity-centric search over knowledge graph supports direct search of programming actions, but it has limitations in action coverage, natural language based task search, and coarse-grained code example recommendation. In this work, we enhance action coverage in knowledge graph with actions extracted from comments in code examples and more forms of activity sentences. To overcome the task description mismatch problem, we develop a code matching based task search method to find relevant programming actions and code examples to the code under development. We integrate our knowledge graph and task search method in the IDE, and develop an observe-push based tool to prompt developers with task-oriented API usage examples. To alleviate the code information overload problem, our tool highlights programming action and API information in the prompted tutorial task excerpts and code examples based on the underlying knowledge graph. Our evaluation confirms the high quality of the constructed knowledge graph, and show that our code matching based task search can recommend effective code solutions to programming issues asked on Stack Overflow. A small-scale user study demonstrates that our tool is useful for assisting developers in finding and using relevant programming tutorials in their programming tasks.
When developing mobile apps, programmers rely heavily on standard API frameworks and libraries. However, learning and using those APIs is often challenging due to the fast-changing nature of API frameworks for mobile systems, the complexity of API usages, the insufficiency of documentation, and the unavailability of source code examples. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to learn API usages from bytecode of Android mobile apps. Our core contributions include: i) ARUS, a graph-based representation of API usage scenarios; ii) HAPI, a statistical, generative model of API usages; and iii) three algorithms to extract ARUS from apps bytecode, to train HAPI based on method call sequences extracted from ARUS, and to recommend method calls in code completion engines using the trained HAPI. Our empirical evaluation suggests that our approach can learn useful API usage models which can provide recommendations with higher levels of accuracy than the baseline n-gram model.
The learning and usage of an API is supported by official documentation. Like source code, API documentation is itself a software product. Several research results show that bad design in API documentation can make the reuse of API features difficult. Indeed, similar to code smells or code antipatterns, poorly designed API documentation can also exhibit smells. Such documentation smells can be described as bad documentation styles that do not necessarily produce an incorrect documentation but nevertheless make the documentation difficult to properly understand and to use. Recent research on API documentation has focused on finding content inaccuracies in API documentation and to complement API documentation with external resources (e.g., crowd-shared code examples). We are aware of no research that focused on the automatic detection of API documentation smells. This paper makes two contributions. First, we produce a catalog of five API documentation smells by consulting literature on API documentation presentation problems. We create a benchmark dataset of 1,000 API documentation units by exhaustively and manually validating the presence of the five smells in Java official API reference and instruction documentation. Second, we conduct a survey of 21 professional software developers to validate the catalog. The developers agreed that they frequently encounter all five smells in API official documentation and 95.2% of them reported that the presence of the documentation smells negatively affects their productivity. The participants wished for tool support to automatically detect and fix the smells in API official documentation. We develop a suite of rule-based, deep and shallow machine learning classifiers to automatically detect the smells. The best performing classifier BERT, a deep learning model, achieves F1-scores of 0.75 - 0.97.
Web API specifications are machine-readable descriptions of APIs. These specifications, in combination with related tooling, simplify and support the consumption of APIs. However, despite the increased distribution of web APIs, specifications are rare and their creation and maintenance heavily relies on manual efforts by third parties. In this paper, we propose an automatic approach and an associated tool called D2Spec for extracting specifications from web API documentation pages. Given a seed online documentation page on an API, D2Spec first crawls all documentation pages on the API, and then uses a set of machine learning techniques to extract the base URL, path templates, and HTTP methods, which collectively describe the endpoints of an API. We evaluated whether D2Spec can accurately extract endpoints from documentation on 120 web APIs. The results showed that D2Spec achieved a precision of 87.5% in identifying base URLs, a precision of 81.3% and a recall of 80.6% in generating path templates, and a precision of 84.4% and a recall of 76.2% in extracting HTTP methods. In addition, we found that D2Spec was useful when applied to APIs with pre-existing API specifications: D2Spec revealed many inconsistencies between web API documentation and their corresponding publicly available specifications. Thus, D2Spec can be used by web API providers to keep documentation and specifications in synchronization.
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