Ultra-high permeable phenine nanotube membranes for water desalination

Abstract in English

Nanopore desalination technology hinges on high water-permeable membranes which, at the same time, block ions efficiently. In this study, we consider a recently synthesized [Science 363, 151-155 (2019)] phenine nanotube (PNT) for water desalination applications. Using both equilibrium and non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations, we show that the PNT membrane completely rejects salts, but permeates water at a rate which is an order-of-magnitude higher than that of all the membranes used for water filtration. We provide the microscopic mechanisms of salt rejection and fast water-transport by calculating the free-energy landscapes and electrostatic potential profiles. A collective diffusion model accurately predicts the water permeability obtained from the simulations over a wide range of pressure gradients. We propose a method to calculate the osmotic pressure ($Pi$) from the simulation data and find that $Pi$ across the membrane is very low (~1-2 MPa), which thus makes it a suitable nanomaterial for energy-efficient reverse osmosis. These remarkable properties of PNT can be applied in various nanofluidic applications, such as ion-selective channels, ionic transistors, sensing, molecular sieving, and blue energy harvesting.
