Nature of the spin resonance mode in CeCoIn$_5$

Abstract in English

Spin-fluctuation-mediated unconventional superconductivity can emerge at the border of magnetism, featuring a superconducting order parameter that changes sign in momentum space. Detection of such a sign-change is experimentally challenging, since most probes are not phase-sensitive. The observation of a spin resonance mode (SRM) from inelastic neutron scattering is often seen as strong phase-sensitive evidence for a sign-changing superconducting order parameter, by assuming the SRM is a spin-excitonic bound state. Here, we show that for the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn$_5$, its SRM defies expectations for a spin-excitonic bound state, and is not a manifestation of sign-changing superconductivity. Instead, the SRM in CeCoIn$_5$ likely arises from a reduction of damping to a magnon-like mode in the superconducting state, due to its proximity to magnetic quantum criticality. Our findings emphasize the need for more stringent tests of whether SRMs are spin-excitonic, when using their presence to evidence sign-changing superconductivity.
