Computing classification of interacting fermionic symmetry-protected topological phases using topological invariants

Abstract in English

The computation of certain obstruction functions is a central task in classifying interacting fermionic symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases. Using techniques in group-cohomology theory, we develop an algorithm to accelerate this computation. Mathematically, cochains in the cohomology of the symmetry group, which are used to enumerate the SPT phases, can be expressed equivalently in different linear basis, known as the resolutions of the group. By expressing the cochains in a reduced resolution containing much fewer basis than the choice commonly used in previous studies, the computational cost is drastically reduced. In particular, it reduces the computational cost for infinite discrete symmetry groups, like the wallpaper groups and space groups, from infinite to finite. As examples, we compute the classification of two-dimensional interacting fermionic SPT phases, for all 17 wallpaper symmetry groups.
