Waveguide cavity optomagnonics for broadband multimode microwave-to-optics conversion

Abstract in English

Cavity optomagnonics has emerged as a promising platform for studying coherent photon-spin interactions as well as tunable microwave-to-optical conversion. However, current implementation of cavity optomagnonics in ferrimagnetic crystals remains orders of magnitude larger in volume than state-of-the-art cavity optomechanical devices, resulting in very limited magneto-optical interaction strength. Here, we demonstrate a cavity optomagnonic device based on integrated waveguides and its application for microwave-to-optical conversion. By designing a ferrimagnetic rib waveguide to support multiple magnon modes with maximal mode overlap to the optical field, we realize a high magneto-optical cooperativity which is three orders of magnitude higher compared to previous records obtained on polished YIG spheres. Furthermore, we achieve tunable conversion of microwave photons at around 8.45 GHz to 1550 nm light with a broad conversion bandwidth as large as 16.1 MHz. The unique features of the system point to novel applications at the crossroad between quantum optics and magnonics.
