A $d = 3$ dimensional model with two $U(1)$ gauge fields coupled via matter fields and BF interaction

Abstract in English

We study a model in $d = 2 + 1$ space-time dimensions with two sectors. One of them, which can be considered as the visible sector, contains just a $U(1)$ gauge field which acts as a probe for the other (hidden) sector, given by a second $U(1)$ gauge field and massive scalar and Dirac fermions. Covariant derivatives of these matter fields and a BF gauge mixing term couple the two sectors. Integration over fermion fields leads to an effective theory with Chern-Simons terms that support vortex like solutions in both sectors even if originally there was no symmetry breaking Higgs scalar in the visible sector. We study numerically the solutions which correspond to electrically charged magnetic vortices except for a critical value of the BF coupling constant at which solely purely magnetic vortices exist.
