Spin-imbalanced ultracold Fermi gases in a two-dimensional array of tubes

Abstract in English

Motivated by a recent experiment [Revelle et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 235301 (2016)] that characterized the one- to three-dimensional crossover in a spin-imbalanced ultracold gas of $^6$Li atoms trapped in a two-dimensional array of tunnel-coupled tubes, we calculate the phase diagram for this system using Hartree-Fock Bogoliubov-de Gennes mean-field theory, and compare the results with experimental data. Mean-field theory predicts fully spin-polarized normal, partially spin-polarized normal, spin-polarized superfluid, and spin-balanced superfluid phases in a homogeneous system. We use the local density approximation to obtain density profiles of the gas in a harmonic trap. We compare these calculations with experimental measurements in Revelle {em et al.} as well as previously unpublished data. Our calculations qualitatively agree with experimentally-measured densities and coordinates of the phase boundaries in the trap, and quantitatively agree with experimental measurements at moderate-to-large polarizations. Our calculations also reproduce the experimentally-observed universal scaling of the phase boundaries for different scattering lengths at a fixed value of scaled inter-tube tunneling. However, our calculations have quantitative differences with experimental measurements at low polarization, and fail to capture important features of the one- to three-dimensional crossover observed in experiments. These suggest the important role of physics beyond-mean-field theory in the experiments. We expect that our numerical results will aid future experiments in narrowing the search for the FFLO phase.
