Light-Front Holography and Supersymmetric Conformal Algebra: A Novel Approach to Hadron Spectroscopy, Structure, and Dynamics

Abstract in English

We give an overview of recent progress into the infrared structure of QCD based on the gauge/gravity correspondence and light-front quantization, where the color confining interaction for mesons and baryons is determined by an underlying superconformal algebraic structure. This new approach to hadron physics gives remarkable connections and predictions across the entire mass spectrum of hadrons and also describes the infrared behavior of the strong coupling. More recently, an extensive study of form factors, polarized and unpolarized parton distributions and the sea quark contribution to the nucleon has been carried out by extending the holographic formalism to incorporate the nonperturbative structure of Veneziano amplitudes. Contribution to the report Strong QCD from Hadron Structure Experiments Jefferson Lab Workshop, 5-9 November, 2019
