Peak-structure in self-energy of cuprate superconductors

Abstract in English

The recently deduced normal and anomalous self-energies from photoemission spectra of cuprate superconductors via the machine learning technique are calling for an explanation. Here the normal and anomalous self-energies in cuprate superconductors are analyzed within the framework of the kinetic-energy-driven superconductivity. It is shown that the exchanged spin excitations give rise to the well-pronounced low-energy peak-structures in both the normal and anomalous self-energies, however, they do not cancel in the total self-energy. In particular, the peak-structure in the normal self-energy is mainly responsible for the peak-dip-hump structure in the single-particle excitation spectrum, and can persist into the normal-state, while the sharp peak in the anomalous self-energy gives rise to a crucial contribution to the superconducting gap, and vanishes in the normal-state. Moreover, the evolution of the peak-structure with doping and momentum are also analyzed.
