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3D Photography using Context-aware Layered Depth Inpainting

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 Added by Jia-Bin Huang
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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We propose a method for converting a single RGB-D input image into a 3D photo - a multi-layer representation for novel view synthesis that contains hallucinated color and depth structures in regions occluded in the original view. We use a Layered Depth Image with explicit pixel connectivity as underlying representation, and present a learning-based inpainting model that synthesizes new local color-and-depth content into the occluded region in a spatial context-aware manner. The resulting 3D photos can be efficiently rendered with motion parallax using standard graphics engines. We validate the effectiveness of our method on a wide range of challenging everyday scenes and show fewer artifacts compared with the state of the arts.

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Single image 3D photography enables viewers to view a still image from novel viewpoints. Recent approaches combine monocular depth networks with inpainting networks to achieve compelling results. A drawback of these techniques is the use of hard depth layering, making them unable to model intricate appearance details such as thin hair-like structures. We present SLIDE, a modular and unified system for single image 3D photography that uses a simple yet effective soft layering strategy to better preserve appearance details in novel views. In addition, we propose a novel depth-aware training strategy for our inpainting module, better suited for the 3D photography task. The resulting SLIDE approach is modular, enabling the use of other components such as segmentation and matting for improved layering. At the same time, SLIDE uses an efficient layered depth formulation that only requires a single forward pass through the component networks to produce high quality 3D photos. Extensive experimental analysis on three view-synthesis datasets, in combination with user studies on in-the-wild image collections, demonstrate superior performance of our technique in comparison to existing strong baselines while being conceptually much simpler. Project page:
Recent advances in image inpainting have shown impressive results for generating plausible visual details on rather simple backgrounds. However, for complex scenes, it is still challenging to restore reasonable contents as the contextual information within the missing regions tends to be ambiguous. To tackle this problem, we introduce pretext tasks that are semantically meaningful to estimating the missing contents. In particular, we perform knowledge distillation on pretext models and adapt the features to image inpainting. The learned semantic priors ought to be partially invariant between the high-level pretext task and low-level image inpainting, which not only help to understand the global context but also provide structural guidance for the restoration of local textures. Based on the semantic priors, we further propose a context-aware image inpainting model, which adaptively integrates global semantics and local features in a unified image generator. The semantic learner and the image generator are trained in an end-to-end manner. We name the model SPL to highlight its ability to learn and leverage semantic priors. It achieves the state of the art on Places2, CelebA, and Paris StreetView datasets.
Image retargeting is the task of making images capable of being displayed on screens with different sizes. This work should be done so that high-level visual information and low-level features such as texture remain as intact as possible to the human visual system, while the output image may have different dimensions. Thus, simple methods such as scaling and cropping are not adequate for this purpose. In recent years, researchers have tried to improve the existing retargeting methods and introduce new ones. However, a specific method cannot be utilized to retarget all types of images. In other words, different images require different retargeting methods. Image retargeting has a close relationship to image saliency detection, which is relatively a new image processing task. Earlier saliency detection methods were based on local and global but low-level image information. These methods are called bottom-up methods. On the other hand, newer approaches are top-down and mixed methods that consider the high level and semantic information of the image too. In this paper, we introduce the proposed methods in both saliency detection and retargeting. For the saliency detection, the use of image context and semantic segmentation are examined, and a novel mixed bottom-up, and top-down saliency detection method is introduced. After saliency detection, a modified version of an existing retargeting method is utilized for retargeting the images. The results suggest that the proposed image retargeting pipeline has excellent performance compared to other tested methods. Also, the subjective evaluations on the Pascal dataset can be used as a retargeting quality assessment dataset for further research.
3D vehicle detection based on point cloud is a challenging task in real-world applications such as autonomous driving. Despite significant progress has been made, we observe two aspects to be further improved. First, the semantic context information in LiDAR is seldom explored in previous works, which may help identify ambiguous vehicles. Second, the distribution of point cloud on vehicles varies continuously with increasing depths, which may not be well modeled by a single model. In this work, we propose a unified model SegVoxelNet to address the above two problems. A semantic context encoder is proposed to leverage the free-of-charge semantic segmentation masks in the birds eye view. Suspicious regions could be highlighted while noisy regions are suppressed by this module. To better deal with vehicles at different depths, a novel depth-aware head is designed to explicitly model the distribution differences and each part of the depth-aware head is made to focus on its own target detection range. Extensive experiments on the KITTI dataset show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art alternatives in both accuracy and efficiency with point cloud as input only.
3D photography is a new medium that allows viewers to more fully experience a captured moment. In this work, we refer to a 3D photo as one that displays parallax induced by moving the viewpoint (as opposed to a stereo pair with a fixed viewpoint). 3D photos are static in time, like traditional photos, but are displayed with interactive parallax on mobile or desktop screens, as well as on Virtual Reality devices, where viewing it also includes stereo. We present an end-to-end system for creating and viewing 3D photos, and the algorithmic and design choices therein. Our 3D photos are captured in a single shot and processed directly on a mobile device. The method starts by estimating depth from the 2D input image using a new monocular depth estimation network that is optimized for mobile devices. It performs competitively to the state-of-the-art, but has lower latency and peak memory consumption and uses an order of magnitude fewer parameters. The resulting depth is lifted to a layered depth image, and new geometry is synthesized in parallax regions. We synthesize color texture and structures in the parallax regions as well, using an inpainting network, also optimized for mobile devices, on the LDI directly. Finally, we convert the result into a mesh-based representation that can be efficiently transmitted and rendered even on low-end devices and over poor network connections. Altogether, the processing takes just a few seconds on a mobile device, and the result can be instantly viewed and shared. We perform extensive quantitative evaluation to validate our system and compare its new components against the current state-of-the-art.
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