New Insight into the stellar mass function of Galactic globular clusters

Abstract in English

We present the results of the analysis of deep photometric data of 32 Galactic globular clusters. We analysed 69 parallel field images observed with the Wide Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys of the Hubble Space Telescope which complemented the already available photometry from the globular cluster treasury project covering the central regions of these clusters. This unprecedented data set has been used to calculate the relative fraction of stars at different masses (i.e. the present-day mass function) in these clusters by comparing the observed distribution of stars along the cluster main sequence and across the analysed field of view with the prediction of multimass dynamical models. For a subsample of 31 clusters, we were able to obtain also the half-mass radii, mass-to-light ratios and the mass fraction of dark remnants using available radial velocity information. We found that the majority of globular clusters have single power law mass functions $F(m) propto m^alpha$ with slopes $alpha>-1$ in the mass range $0.2<m/text{M}_{odot}<0.8$. By exploring the correlations between the structural/dynamical and orbital parameters, we confirm the tight anticorrelation between the mass function slopes and the half-mass relaxation times already reported in previous works, and possible second-order dependence on the cluster metallicity. This might indicate the relative importance of both initial conditions and evolutionary effects on the present-day shape of the mass function.
