Chemistry of the spin-1/2 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet

Abstract in English

We believe that a necessary first step in understanding the ground state properties of the spin-${scriptstylefrac{1}{2}}$ kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet is a better understanding of this models very large number of low energy singlet states. A description of the low energy states that is both accurate and amenable for numerical work may ultimately prove to have greater value than knowing only what these properties are, in particular when these turn on the delicate balance of many small energies. We demonstrate how this program would be implemented using the basis of spin-singlet dimerized states, though other bases that have been proposed may serve the same purpose. The quality of a basis is evaluated by its participation in all the low energy singlets, not just the ground state. From an experimental perspective, and again in light of the small energy scales involved, methods that can deliver all the low energy states promise more robust predictions than methods that only refine a fraction of these states.
