Resonant Asymmetric All-Dielectric Metasurface for Boosting Third-Harmonic Generation

Abstract in English

Resonant metasurfaces have received extensive attention due to their sharp spectral feature and extraordinary field enhancement. In this work, by breaking the in-plane symmetry of silicon nanopillars, we achieve a sharp Fano resonance. The far-field radiation and near-field distribution of metasurfaces are calculated and analyzed to further uncover the resonant performance of metasurfaces. Moreover, the theoretical derivation and simulation exhibit an inverse quadratic dependence of Q-factors on asymmetry parameters, revealing that the resonance is governed by the symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum. Finally we experimentally demonstrate the sharp resonance, and employ it to effciently boost the third-harmonic generation. This enhancement can be attributed to the strong optical intensity enhancement inside the metasurface.
