Thermodynamic geometry of the novel 4-D Gauss Bonnet AdS Black Hole

Abstract in English

In this paper, the new formalism of thermodynamic geometry proposed in [1] is employed in investigating phase transition points and the critical behavior of a Gauss Bonnet-AdS black hole in four dimensional spacetime. In this regard, extrinsic and intrinsic curvatures of a certain kind of hypersurface immersed in the thermodynamic manifold contain information about stability/instability of heat capacities. We, therefore, calculate the intrinsic curvature of the $Q$-zero hypersurface for a four-dimensional neutral Gauss Bonnet black hole case in the extended phase space. Interestingly, intrinsic curvature can be positive for small black holes at low temperature, which indicates a repulsive interaction among black hole microstructures. This finding is in contrast with the five-dimensional neutral Gauss Bonnet black hole with only dominant attractive interaction between its microstructures.
