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Distinct nodal and nematic superconducting phases in the 2D Ising superconductor NbSe2

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 Added by Rolf Lortz Dr.
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Superconducting transition metal dichalcogenides like 2H-NbSe2 in their two-dimensional form (2D) exhibit a special form of Ising superconductivity in which the quasiparticle spins are firmly pinned in the direction perpendicular to the basal plane. This enables them to withstand exceptionally high magnetic fields far beyond the Pauli limit for superconductivity. We use field-angle-resolved magnetoresistance experiments for magnetic fields strictly rotated in the basal plane to investigate the dependence of the upper critical field (Hc2) on the orientation of the field in the plane. The field angle dependence of Hc2 directly reflects the symmetry of the superconducting order parameter. We observe a transformation from a six-fold nodal symmetry near Hc2(T) to a two-fold nodeless symmetry at lower temperatures. While the first phase agrees with theoretical predictions of a nodal topological superconducting phase, the observation of a second distinct superconducting phase with nodeless two-fold symmetry is unexpected and contradicts the crystalline symmetry. It may therefore be another example of an unconventional nematic superconducting phase besides doped superconducting Bi2Se3, and we demonstrate that in NbSe2 such a nematic state can indeed arise from the presence of several competing superconducting channels.

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Superconductivity in FeSe has recently attracted a great deal of attention because it emerges out of an electronic nematic state of elusive character. Here we study both the electronic normal state and the superconducting gap structure using heat-capacity measurements on high-quality single crystals. The specific-heat curve, from 0.4 K to Tc = 9.1 K, is found to be consistent with a recent gap determination using Bogoliubov quasiparticle interference [P. O. Sprau et al., Science 357, 75 (2017)], however only if nodes are introduced on either the electron or the hole Fermi-surface sheets. Our analysis, which is consistent with quantum-oscillation measurements, relies on the presence of only two bands, and thus the fate of the theoretically predicted second electron pocket remains mysterious.
62 - Xiaoming Zhang , Feng Liu 2021
Superconducting and topological states are two quantum phenomena attracting much interest. Their coexistence may lead to topological superconductivity sought-after for Majorana-based quantum computing. However, there is no causal relationship between the two, since superconductivity is a many-body effect due to electron-electron interaction while topology is a single-particle manifestation of electron band structure. Here, we demonstrate a novel form of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) pairing, induced by topological Weyl nodal lines in Ising Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (IBCS) superconductors. Based on first-principles calculations and analyses, we predict that the nonmagnetic metals of MA$_2$Z$_4$ family, including ${alpha}_1$-TaSi$_2$P$_4$, ${alpha}_1$-TaSi$_2$N$_4$, ${alpha}_1$-NbSi$_2$P$_4$, ${alpha}_2$-TaGe$_2$P$_4$, and ${alpha}_2$-NbGe$_2$P$_4$ monolayers, are all superconductors. While the intrinsic IBCS paring arises in these non-centrosymmetric systems, the extrinsic FFLO pairing is revealed to be evoked by the Weyl nodal lines under magnetic field, facilitating the formation of Cooper pairs with nonzero momentum in their vicinity. Moreover, we show that the IBCS pairing alone will enhance the in-plane critical field $B_c$ to ~10-50 times of Pauli paramagnetic limit $B_p$, and additional FFLO pairing can further triple the $B_c/B_p$ ratio. It therefore affords an effective approach to enhance the robustness of superconductivity. Also, the topology induced superconductivity renders naturally the possible existence of topological superconducting state.
High resolution angle-resolved photoemission measurements have been carried out to study the electronic structure and superconducting gap of the (Tl$_{0.58}$Rb$_{0.42}$)Fe$_{1.72}$Se$_2$ superconductor with a T$_c$=32 K. The Fermi surface topology consists of two electron-like Fermi surface sheets around $Gamma$ point which is distinct from that in all other iron-based compounds reported so far. The Fermi surface around the M point shows a nearly isotropic superconducting gap of $sim$12 meV. The large Fermi surface near the $Gamma$ point also shows a nearly isotropic superconducting gap of $sim$15 meV while no superconducting gap opening is clearly observed for the inner tiny Fermi surface. Our observed new Fermi surface topology and its associated superconducting gap will provide key insights and constraints in understanding superconductivity mechanism in the iron-based superconductors.
175 - C. Y. Guo , Y. Chen , M. Smidman 2015
We present a pressure study of the electrical resistivity, AC magnetic susceptibility and powder x-ray diffraction (XRD) of the newly discovered BiS$_2$-based superconductor EuBiS$_2$F. At ambient pressure, EuBiS$_2$F shows an anomaly in the resistivity at around $T_0approx 280$ K and a superconducting transition at $T_capprox 0.3$ K. Upon applying hydrostatic pressure, there is little change in $T_0$ but the amplitude of the resistive anomaly is suppressed, whereas there is a dramatic enhancement of $T_c$ from 0.3 K to about 8.6 K at a critical pressure of $p_c$ $approx{1.4}$ GPa. XRD measurements confirm that this enhancement of $T_c$ coincides with a structural phase transition from a tetragonal phase ($P4/nmm$) to a monoclinic phase ($P2_1$/m), which is similar to that observed in isostructural LaO$_{0.5}$F$_{0.5}$BiS$_2$. Our results suggest the presence of two different superconducting phases with distinct crystal structures in EuBiS$_2$F, which may be a general property of this family of BiS$_2$-based superconductors.
78 - K. Izawa , Y. Nakajima , J. Goryo 2002
The superconducting gap structure of recently discovered heavy fermion superconductor PrOs4Sb12 was investigated by using thermal transport measurements in magnetic field rotated relative to the crystal axes. We demonstrate that a novel change in the symmetry of the superconducting gap function occurs deep inside the superconducting state, giving a clear indication of the presence of two distinct superconducting phases with twofold and fourfold symmetries. We infer that the gap functions in both phases have a point node singularity, in contrast to the familiar line node singularity observed in almost all unconventional superconductors.
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