On the capability of a class of quantum sensors

Abstract in English

Quantum sensors may provide extremely high sensitivity and precision to extract key information in a quantum or classical physical system. A fundamental question is whether a quantum sensor is capable of uniquely inferring unknown parameters in a system for a given structure of the quantum sensor and admissible measurement on the sensor. In this paper, we investigate the capability of a class of quantum sensors which consist of either a single qubit or two qubits. A quantum sensor is coupled to a spin chain system to extract information of unknown parameters in the system. With given initialisation and measurement schemes, we employ the similarity transformation approach and the Grobner basis method to prove that a single-qubit quantum sensor cannot effectively estimate the unknown parameters in the spin chain system while the two-qubit quantum sensor can. The work demonstrates that it is a feasible method to enhance the capability of quantum sensors by increasing the number of qubits in the quantum sensors for some practical applications.
