Data-mining for Fault-Zone Detection of Distance Relay in FACTS-Based Transmission

Abstract in English

In this study, the problem of fault zone detection of distance relaying in FACTS-based transmission lines is analyzed. Existence of FACTS devices on the transmission line, when they are included in the fault zone, from the distance relay point of view, causes different problems in determining the exact location of the fault by changing the impedance seen by the relay. The extent of these changes depends on the parameters that have been set in FACTS devices. To solve the problem associated with these compensators, two instruments for separation and analysis of three-line currents, from the relay point of view at fault instance, have been utilized. The wavelet transform was used to separate the high-frequency components of the three-line currents, and the support vector machine (using methods for multi-class usage) was used for classification of fault location into three protection regions of distance relay. Besides, to investigate the effects of TCSC location on fault zone detection of distance relay, two places, one in fifty percent of line length and the other in seventy-five percent of line length, have been considered as two scenarios for confirmation of the proposed method. Simulations indicate that this method is effective in the protection of FACTS-based transmission lines.
