Kullback-Leibler Divergence-Based Fuzzy $C$-Means Clustering Incorporating Morphological Reconstruction and Wavelet Frames for Image Segmentation

Abstract in English

Although spatial information of images usually enhance the robustness of the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) algorithm, it greatly increases the computational costs for image segmentation. To achieve a sound trade-off between the segmentation performance and the speed of clustering, we come up with a Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence-based FCM algorithm by incorporating a tight wavelet frame transform and a morphological reconstruction operation. To enhance FCMs robustness, an observed image is first filtered by using the morphological reconstruction. A tight wavelet frame system is employed to decompose the observed and filtered images so as to form their feature sets. Considering these feature sets as data of clustering, an modified FCM algorithm is proposed, which introduces a KL divergence term in the partition matrix into its objective function. The KL divergence term aims to make membership degrees of each image pixel closer to those of its neighbors, which brings that the membership partition becomes more suitable and the parameter setting of FCM becomes simplified. On the basis of the obtained partition matrix and prototypes, the segmented feature set is reconstructed by minimizing the inverse process of the modified objective function. To modify abnormal features produced in the reconstruction process, each reconstructed feature is reassigned to the closest prototype. As a result, the segmentation accuracy of KL divergence-based FCM is further improved. Whats more, the segmented image is reconstructed by using a tight wavelet frame reconstruction operation. Finally, supporting experiments coping with synthetic, medical and color images are reported. Experimental results exhibit that the proposed algorithm works well and comes with better segmentation performance than other comparative algorithms. Moreover, the proposed algorithm requires less time than most of the FCM-related algorithms.
