Bayesian inference in band excitation Scanning Probe Microscopy for optimal dynamic model selection in imaging

Abstract in English

The universal tendency in scanning probe microscopy (SPM) over the last two decades is to transition from simple 2D imaging to complex detection and spectroscopic imaging modes. The emergence of complex SPM engines brings forth the challenge of reliable data interpretation, i.e. conversion from detected signal to descriptors specific to tip-surface interactions and subsequently to materials properties. Here, we implemented a Bayesian inference approach for the analysis of the image formation mechanisms in band excitation (BE) SPM. Compared to the point estimates in classical functional fit approaches, Bayesian inference allows for the incorporation of extant knowledge of materials and probe behavior in the form of corresponding prior distribution and return the information on the material functionality in the form of readily interpretable posterior distributions. We note that in application of Bayesian methods, special care should be made for proper setting on the problem as model selection vs. establishing practical parameter equivalence. We further explore the non-linear mechanical behaviors at topological defects in a classical ferroelectric material, PbTiO3. We observe the non-trivial evolution of Duffing resonance frequency and the nonlinearity of the sample surface, suggesting the presence of the hidden elements of domain structure. These observations suggest that the spectrum of anomalous behaviors at the ferroelectric domain walls can be significantly broader than previously believed and can extend to non-conventional mechanical properties in addition to static and microwave conductance.
