Fully open-flavor tetraquark states $bcbar{q}bar{s}$ and $scbar{q}bar{b}$ with $J^{P}=0^{+},1^{+}$

Abstract in English

We have studied the masses for fully open-flavor tetraquark states $bcbar{q}bar{s}$ and $scbar{q}bar{b}$ with quantum numbers $J^{P}=0^{+},1^{+}$. We systematically construct all diquark-antiquark interpolating currents and calculate the two-point correlation functions and spectral densities in the framework of QCD sum rule method. Our calculations show that the masses are about $7.1-7.2$ GeV for the $bcbar{q}bar{s}$ tetraquark states and $7.0-7.1$ GeV for the $scbar{q}bar{b}$ tetraquarks. The masses of $bcbar{q}bar{s}$ tetraquarks are below the thresholds of $bar{B}_{s}D$ and $bar{B}_{s}^{*}D$ final states for the scalar and axial-vector channels respectively. The $scbar{q}bar{b}$ tetraquark states with $J^{P}=1^{+}$ lie below the $B_{c}^{+}K^{*}$ and $B_{s}^{*}D$ thresholds. Such low masses for these possible tetraquark states indicate that they can only decay via weak interaction and thus are very narrow and stable.
