Phenomenology of the chiral $d$-wave state in the hexagonal pnictide superconductor SrPtAs

Abstract in English

The pairing symmetry of the hexagonal pnictide superconductor SrPtAs is discussed with taking into account its multiband structure. The topological chiral $d$-wave state with time-reversal-symmetry breaking has been anticipated from the spontaneous magnetization observed by the muon-spin-relaxation experiment. We point out in this paper that the recent experimental reports on the nuclear-spin-lattice relaxation rate $T_1^{-1}$ and superfluid density $n_s(T)$, which seemingly support the conventional $s$-wave pairing, are also consistent with the chiral $d$-wave state. The compatibility of the gap and multiband structures is crucial in this argument. We propose that the measurement of the bulk quasiparticle density of states would be useful for the distinction between two pairing states.
