E_6 inspired composite Higgs model and baryon asymmetry generation

Abstract in English

The breakdown of SU(6) global symmetry down to its SU(5) subgroup near the scale f > 10 TeV in the strongly interacting sector within the E_6 inspired composite Higgs model (E6CHM) gives rise to a set of pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons (pNGBs) that involves one Standard Model (SM) singlet scalar, a SM-like Higgs doublet and an SU(3)_C triplet of scalar fields, $T$. We argue that the baryon number violation in the E6CHM can induce the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry if CP is violated. The coloured triplet of scalar fields with mass in the few TeV range plays a key role in this process and may lead to a distinct new physics signal that can be detected at the LHC in the near future.
