Peculiar velocity cosmology with type Ia supernovae

Abstract in English

Type Ia Supernovae have yet again the opportunity to revolutionize the field of cosmology as the new generation of surveys are acquiring thousands of nearby SNeIa opening a new era in cosmology: the direct measurement of the growth of structure parametrized by $fD$. This method is based on the SNeIa peculiar velocities derived from the residual to the Hubble law as direct tracers of the full gravitational potential caused by large scale structure. With this technique, we could probe not only the properties of dark energy, but also the laws of gravity. In this paper we present the analytical framework and forecasts. We show that ZTF and LSST will be able to reach 5% precision on $fD$ by 2027. Our analysis is not significantly sensitive to photo-typing, but known selection functions and spectroscopic redshifts are mandatory. We finally introduce an idea of a dedicated spectrograph that would get all the required information in addition to boost the efficiency to each SNeIa so that we could reach the 5% precision within the first two years of LSST operation and the few percent level by the end of the survey.
