Condensation signatures of photogenerated interlayer excitons in a van der Waals heterostack

Abstract in English

Atomistic van der Waals heterostacks are ideal systems for high-temperature exciton condensation because of large exciton binding energies and long lifetimes. Charge transport and electron energy-loss spectroscopy showed first evidence of excitonic many-body states in such two-dimensional materials. Pure optical studies, the most obvious way to access the phase diagram of photogenerated excitons have been elusive. We observe several criticalities in photogenerated exciton ensembles hosted in MoSe2-WSe2 heterostacks with respect to photoluminescence intensity, linewidth, and temporal coherence pointing towards the transition to a coherent quantum state. For this state, the occupation is 100 percent and the exciton diffusion length is increased. The phenomena survive above 10 kelvin, consistent with the predicted critical condensation temperature. Our study provides a first phase-diagram of many-body interlayer exciton states including Bose Einstein condensation.
