We report in this work the production of $W^+W^-$ pairs gauge bosons associated with 0, 1 and 2 jets in proton-proton collisions at LHC with an energy of 14 TeV in the center of mass. These processes are produced at leading-order (LO) and next-to-leading-order (NLO) with QCD corrections in the standard model, using MadGraph5@aMC. For a realistic description of the processes, we match the hard scattering processes with Pythia8 parton showering and hadronization. The obtained events are run through the fast detector simulation, Delphes, which serves to accurately model the ATLAS and CMS detectors and the final state reconstructions that are performed. We analyze the total cross sections according on two cuts in jet transverse momentum p T,j > 20 GeV and p T,j > 100 GeV. We describe the important numerical aspects of our calculations by presenting transverse momentum and rapidity distributions at partonic fixed order and at parton shower for both W and the $W^+W^-$ pair.