Unlocked-relative-phase states in arrays of Bose-Einstein condensates

Abstract in English

Phase engineering techniques are used to control the dynamics of long-bosonic-Josephson-junction arrays built by linearly coupling Bose-Einstein condensates. Just at the middle point of the underlying discrete energy band of the system, unlocked-relative-phase states are shown to be stationary along with the locked-relative-phase Bloch waves. In finite, experimentally-feasible systems, such states find ranges of dynamical stability that depend on the ratio of coupling to interaction energy. The same ratio determines different decay regimes, which include the recurrence of staggered-soliton trains in the condensates around Josephson loop currents at the junctions. These transient solitons are also found in their stationary configurations, which provide striped-density states by means of either dark-soliton or bright-soliton trains. Additionally, the preparation of maximally out-of-phase (or splay) states is demonstrated to evolve into an oscillation of the uniform density of the condensates that keeps constant the total density of the system and robust against noise at low coupling.
