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Quantum computing potentially offers exponential speed-ups over classical computing for certain tasks. A central, outstanding challenge to making quantum computing practical is to achieve fault tolerance, meaning that computations of any length or size can be realised in the presence of noise. The Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill code is a promising approach towards fault-tolerant quantum computing, encoding logical qubits into grid states of harmonic oscillators. However, for the code to be fault tolerant, the quality of the grid states has to be extremely high. Approximate grid states have recently been realized experimentally, but their quality is still insufficient for fault tolerance. Current implementable protocols for generating grid states rely on measurements of ancillary qubits combined with either postselection or feed forward. Implementing such measurements take up significant time during which the states decohere, thus limiting their quality. Here we propose a measurement-free preparation protocol which deterministically prepares arbitrary logical grid states with a rectangular or hexagonal lattice. The protocol can be readily implemented in trapped-ion or superconducting-circuit platforms to generate high-quality grid states using only a few interactions, even with the noise levels found in current systems.
We present a protocol to prepare decoherence free cluster states using ultracold atoms loaded in a two dimensional superlattice. The superlattice geometry leads to an array of 2*2 plaquettes, each of them holding four spin-1/2 particles that can be used for encoding a single logical qubit in the two-fold singlet subspace, insensitive to uniform magnetic field fluctuations in any direction. Dynamical manipulation of the supperlattice yields distinct inter and intra plaquette interactions and permits to realize one qubit and two qubit gates with high fidelity, leading to the generation of universal cluster states for measurement based quantum computation. Our proposal based on inter and intra plaquette interactions also opens the path to study polymerized Hamiltonians which support ground states describing arbitrary quantum circuits.
Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) states appear to be amongst the leading candidates for correcting errors when encoding qubits into oscillators. However the preparation of GKP states remains a significant theoretical and experimental challenge. Until now, no clear definitions for fault-tolerantly preparing GKP states have been provided. Without careful consideration, a small number of faults can lead to large uncorrectable shift errors. After proposing a metric to compare approximate GKP states, we provide rigorous definitions of fault-tolerance and introduce a fault-tolerant phase estimation protocol for preparing such states. The fault-tolerant protocol uses one flag qubit and accepts only a subset of states in order to prevent measurement readout errors from causing large shift errors. We then show how the protocol can be implemented using circuit QED. In doing so, we derive analytic expressions which describe the leading order effects of the non-linear dispersive shift and Kerr non-linearity. Using these expressions, we show that to mitigate the non-linear dispersive shift and Kerr terms would require the protocol to be implemented on time scales four orders of magnitude longer than the time scales relevant to the protocol for physically motivated parameters. Despite these restrictions, we numerically show that a subset of the accepted states of the fault-tolerant phase estimation protocol maintain good error correcting capabilities even in the presence of noise.
Quantum information theory has revolutionized the way in which information is processed using quantum resources such as entangled states, local operations and classical communications. Two important protocols in quantum communications are quantum teleportation and remote state preparation. In quantum teleportation neither the sender nor the receiver know the identity of a state. In remote state preparation the sender knows the state which is to be remotely prepared without ever physically sending the object or the complete classical description of it. Using one unit of entanglement and one classical bit Alice can remotely prepare a photon (from special ensemble) of her choice at Bobs laboratory. In remote state measurement Alice asks Bob to simulate any single particle measurement statistics on an arbitrary photon. In this talk we will present these ideas and discuss the latest developments and future open problems.
While quantum computers are capable of simulating many quantum systems efficiently, the simulation algorithms must begin with the preparation of an appropriate initial state. We present a method for generating physically relevant quantum states on a lattice in real space. In particular, the present algorithm is able to prepare general pure and mixed many-particle states of any number of particles. It relies on a procedure for converting from a second-quantized state to its first-quantized counterpart. The algorithm is efficient in that it operates in time that is polynomial in all the essential descriptors of the system, such the number of particles, the resolution of the lattice, and the inverse of the maximum final error. This scaling holds under the assumption that the wavefunction to be prepared is bounded or its indefinite integral known and that the Fock operator of the system is efficiently simulatable.
We describe the preparation of atom-number states with strongly interacting bosons in one dimension, or spin-polarized fermions. The procedure is based on a combination of weakening and squeezing of the trapping potential. For the resulting state, the full atom number distribution is obtained. Starting with an unknown number of particles $N_i$, we optimize the sudden change in the trapping potential which leads to the Fock state of $N_f$ particles in the final trap. Non-zero temperature effects as well as different smooth trapping potentials are analyzed. A simple criterion is provided to ensure the robust preparation of the Fock state for physically realistic traps.