Scattering-based geometric shaping of photon-photon interactions

Abstract in English

We construct an effective Hamiltonian of interacting bosons, based on scattered radiation off vibrational modes of designed molecular architectures. Making use of the infinite yet countable set of spatial modes representing the scattering of light, we obtain a variable photon-photon interaction in this basis. The effective Hamiltonian hermiticity is controlled by a geometric factor set by the overlaps of spatial modes. Using this mapping, we relate intensity measurements of the light to correlation functions of the interacting bosons evolving according to the effective Hamiltonian, rendering local as well as nonlocal observables accessible. This architecture may be used to simulate the dynamics of interacting bosons, as well as designing tool for multi-qubit photonic gates in quantum computing applications. Variable hopping, interaction and confinement of the active space of the bosons are demonstrated on a model system.
