The upgraded CERN LHCb detector, due to start data taking in 2021, will have to reconstruct 4 TB/s of raw detector data in real time using commodity processors. This is one of the biggest real-time data processing challenges in any scientific domain. We present an intrinsically parallel reconstruction algorithm for the vertex detector of the LHCb experiment designed to optimally exploit multi-core general purpose architectures. We compare it to previous state-of-the-art scalar pattern recognition algorithms and show significantly faster processing and in some cases increased physics performance over all current alternatives. We evaluate the algorithm on two high-end architectures from two different vendors and discuss in detail the impact of different SIMD Instruction Set Architecture extensions on the performance.
An extensive sensor testing campaign is presented, dedicated to measuring the charge collection properties of prototype candidates for the Vertex Locator (VELO) detector for the upgraded LHCb experiment. The charge collection is measured with sensors exposed to fluences of up to $8 times 10^{15}~1~mathrm{,Mekern -0.1em V}~ mathrm{ ,n_{eq}}~{mathrm{ ,cm}}^{-2}$, as well as with nonirradiated prototypes. The results are discussed, including the influence of different levels of irradiation and bias voltage on the charge collection properties. Charge multiplication is observed on some sensors that were nonuniformly irradiated with 24 GeV protons, to the highest fluence levels. An analysis of the charge collection near the guard ring region is also presented, revealing significant differences between the sensor prototypes. All tested sensor variants succeed in collecting the minimum required charge of 6000 electrons after the exposure to the maximum fluence.
We describe the Hybrid seeding, a standalone pattern recognition algorithm aiming at finding charged particle trajectories for the LHCb upgrade. A significant improvement to the charged particle reconstruction efficiency is accomplished by exploiting the knowledge of the LHCb magnetic field and the position of energy deposits in the scintillating fibre tracker detector. Moreover, we achieve a low fake rate and a small contribution to the overall timing budget of the LHCb real-time data processing.
LHC will offer the opportunity of probing the mass scale of the electro-weak symmetry breaking. Thus we expect to uncover direct manifestations of physics beyond the Standard Model, which will raise new questions that may be elucidated by precision measurements of beauty and charm decays. The LHCb experiment is poised to pursue this ambitious program as soon as LHC turns on. An upgrade to enhance its physics sensitivity by at least one order of magnitude is critical to the completion of this study, as new physics effects may be subtle. A new vertex detector is a crucial element of this project. Important requirements are a radiation resistance up to a fluence of about 10$^{16} n_{eq} {rm cm}^{-2}$, and a front end electronics capable of delivering its event information to the back end receiver boards synchronously with the beam interactions, at 40 MHz.
The Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) detector is designed to detect decays of b- and c- hadrons for the study of CP violation and rare decays. At the end of the LHC Run 2, many of the LHCb measurements remained statistically dominated. In order to increase the trigger yield for purely hadronic channels, the hardware trigger will be removed, and the detector will be read out at 40 MHz. This, in combination with the five-fold increase in luminosity, requires radical changes to LHCbs electronics, and, in some cases, the replacement of entire sub-detectors with state-of-the-art detector technologies. The Vertex Locator (VELO) surrounding the interaction region is used to reconstruct the collision points (primary vertices) and decay vertices of long-lived particles (secondary vertices). The upgraded VELO will be composed of 52 modules placed along the beam axis divided into two retractable halves. The modules will each be equipped with 4 silicon hybrid pixel tiles, each read out by 3 VeloPix ASICs. The total output data rate anticipated for the whole detector will be around 1.6 Tbit/s. The highest occupancy ASICs will have pixel hit rates of approximately 900 Mhit/s, with the corresponding output data rate of 15 Gbit/s. The LHCb upgrade detector will be the first detector to read out at the full LHC rate of 40 MHz. The VELO upgrade will utilize the latest detector technologies to read out at this rate while maintaining the required radiation-hard profile and minimizing the detector material.
The LHCb VELO Timepix3 telescope is a silicon pixel tracking system constructed initially to evaluate the performance of LHCb VELO Upgrade prototypes. The telesope consists of eight hybrid pixel silicon sensor planes equipped with the Timepix3 ASIC. The planes provide excellent charge measurement, timestamping and spatial resolution and the system can function at high track rates. This paper describes the construction of the telescope and its data acquisition system and offline reconstruction software. A timing resolution of 350~ps was obtained for reconstructed tracks. A pointing resolution of better than 2~mum was determined for the 180~GeV/c %gevc mixed hadron beam at the CERN SPS. The telescope has been shown to operate at a rate of 5 million particles~unit{s^{-1}cdot cm^{-2}} without a loss in efficiency.
Arthur Hennequin
,Benjamin Couturier
,Vladimir Gligorov
"A fast and efficient SIMD track reconstruction algorithm for the LHCb Upgrade 1 VELO-PIX detector"
Arthur Hennequin
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