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Star Product Formalism for Probability and Mean Value Representations of Qudits

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 Added by Peter Adam
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The quantizer-dequantizer formalism is developed for mean value and probability representation of qubits and qutrits. We derive the star-product kernels providing the possibility to derive explicit expressions of the associative product of the symbols of the density operators and quantum observables for qubits. We discuss an extension of the quantizer-dequantizer formalism associated with the probability and observable mean-value descriptions of quantum states for qudits.

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233 - M. Asorey , P. Facchi , V.I. Manko 2015
We elaborate on the notion of generalized tomograms, both in the classical and quantum domains. We construct a scheme of star-products of thick tomographic symbols and obtain in explicit form the kernels of classical and quantum generalized tomograms. Some of the new tomograms may have interesting applications in quantum optical tomography.
We investigate the interplay between mutual unbiasedness and product bases for multiple qudits of possibly different dimensions. A product state of such a system is shown to be mutually unbiased to a product basis only if each of its factors is mutually unbiased to all the states which occur in the corresponding factors of the product basis. This result implies both a tight limit on the number of mutually unbiased product bases which the system can support and a complete classification of mutually unbiased product bases for multiple qubits or qutrits. In addition, only maximally entangled states can be mutually unbiased to a maximal set of mutually unbiased product bases.
We consider the noncommutative space-times with Lie-algebraic noncommutativity (e.g. $kappa$-deformed Minkowski space). In the framework with classical fields we extend the $star$-product in order to represent the noncommutative translations in terms of commutative ones. We show the translational invariance of noncommutative bilinear action with local product of noncommutative fields. The quadratic noncommutativity is also briefly discussed.
Evaluating the expectation of a quantum circuit is a classically difficult problem known as the quantum mean value problem (QMV). It is used to optimize the quantum approximate optimization algorithm and other variational quantum eigensolvers. We show that such an optimization can be improved substantially by using an approximation rather than the exact expectation. Together with efficient classical sampling algorithms, a quantum algorithm with minimal gate count can thus improve the efficiency of general integer-value problems, such as the shortest vector problem (SVP) investigated in this work.
We present a complex probability measure relevant for double (pairs of) states in quantum mechanics, as an extension of the standard probability measure for single states that underlies Borns statistical rule. When the double states are treated as the initial and final states of a quantum process, we find that Aharonovs weak value, which has acquired a renewed interest as a novel observable quantity inherent in the process, arises as an expectation value associated with the probability measure. Despite being complex, our measure admits the physical interpretation as mixed processes, i.e., an ensemble of processes superposed with classical probabilities.
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