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We study the hardness of classically simulating Gaussian boson sampling at nonzero photon distinguishability. We find that similar to regular boson sampling, distinguishability causes exponential attenuation of the many-photon interference terms in Gaussian boson sampling. Barring an open problem in the theory of matrix permanents, this leads to an efficient classical algorithm to simulate Gaussian boson sampling in the presence of distinguishability. We also study a new form of boson sampling based on photon number superposition states, for which we also show noise sensivity. The fact that such superposition boson sampling is not simulable with out method at zero distinguishability is the first evidence for the computational hardness of this problem.
Quantum mechanics promises computational powers beyond the reach of classical computers. Current technology is on the brink of an experimental demonstration of the superior power of quantum computation compared to classical devices. For such a demonstration to be meaningful, experimental noise must not affect the computational power of the device; this occurs when a classical algorithm can use the noise to simulate the quantum system. In this work, we demonstrate an algorithm which simulates boson sampling, a quantum advantage demonstration based on many-body quantum interference of indistinguishable bosons, in the presence of optical loss. Finding the level of noise where this approximation becomes efficient lets us map out the maximum level of imperfections at which it is still possible to demonstrate a quantum advantage. We show that current photonic technology falls short of this benchmark. These results call into question the suitability of boson sampling as a quantum advantage demonstration.
Boson Sampling has emerged as a tool to explore the advantages of quantum over classical computers as it does not require a universal control over the quantum system, which favours current photonic experimental platforms.Here, we introduce Gaussian Boson Sampling, a classically hard-to-solve problem that uses squeezed states as a non-classical resource. We relate the probability to measure specific photon patterns from a general Gaussian state in the Fock basis to a matrix function called the hafnian, which answers the last remaining question of sampling from Gaussian states. Based on this result, we design Gaussian Boson Sampling, a #P hard problem, using squeezed states. This approach leads to a more efficient photonic boson sampler with significant advantages in generation probability and measurement time over currently existing protocols.
Gaussian Boson sampling (GBS) provides a highly efficient approach to make use of squeezed states from parametric down-conversion to solve a classically hard-to-solve sampling problem. The GBS protocol not only significantly enhances the photon generation probability, compared to standard boson sampling with single photon Fock states, but also links to potential applications such as dense subgraph problems and molecular vibronic spectra. Here, we report the first experimental demonstration of GBS using squeezed-state sources with simultaneously high photon indistinguishability and collection efficiency. We implement and validate 3-, 4- and 5-photon GBS with high sampling rates of 832 kHz, 163 kHz and 23 kHz, respectively, which is more than 4.4, 12.0, and 29.5 times faster than the previous experiments. Further, we observe a quantum speed-up on a NP-hard optimization problem when comparing with simulated thermal sampler and uniform sampler.
Since the development of Boson sampling, there has been a quest to construct more efficient and experimentally feasible protocols to test the computational complexity of sampling from photonic states. In this paper we interpret and extend the results presented in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 170501 (2017)]. We derive an expression that relates the probability to measure a specific photon output pattern from a Gaussian state to the textit{hafnian} matrix function and us it to design a Gaussian Boson sampling protocol. Then, we discuss the advantages that this protocol has relative to other photonic protocols and the experimental requirements for Gaussian Boson Sampling. Finally, we relate it to the previously most general protocol, Scattershot Boson Sampling [Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 100502 (2014)]
Gaussian boson sampling is a promising scheme for demonstrating a quantum computational advantage using photonic states that are accessible in a laboratory and, thus, offer scalable sources of quantum light. In this contribution, we study two-point photon-number correlation functions to gain insight into the interference of Gaussian states in optical networks. We investigate the characteristic features of statistical signatures which enable us to distinguish classical from quantum interference. In contrast to the typical implementation of boson sampling, we find additional contributions to the correlators under study which stem from the phase dependence of Gaussian states and which are not observable when Fock states interfere. Using the first three moments, we formulate the tools required to experimentally observe signatures of quantum interference of Gaussian states using two outputs only. By considering the current architectural limitations in realistic experiments, we further show that a statistically significant discrimination between quantum and classical interference is possible even in the presence of loss, noise, and a finite photon-number resolution. Therefore, we formulate and apply a theoretical framework to benchmark the quantum features of Gaussian boson sampling under realistic conditions.