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Ultrasonic investigations of the single-site quadrupolar Kondo effect in diluted Pr system Y$_{0.966}$Pr$_{0.034}$Ir$_2$Zn$_{20}$ are reported. The elastic constant $(C_{11}-C_{12})/2$ is measured down to ~40 mK using ultrasound for the dilute system Y$_{0.966}$Pr$_{0.034}$Ir$_2$Zn$_{20}$ and the pure compound YIr$_2$Zn$_{20}$. We found that the elastic constant $(C_{11}-C_{12})/2$ of the Pr-dilute system exhibits a logarithmic temperature dependence below $T_0$ ~0.3 K, where non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) behavior in the specific heat and electrical resistivity is observed. This logarithmic temperature variation manifested in the $Gamma_3$-symmetry quadrupolar susceptibility is consistent with the theoretical prediction of the quadrupolar Kondo effect by D. L. Cox. On the other hand, the pure compound YIr$_2$Zn$_{20}$ without $4f$-electron contributions shows nearly no change in its elastic constants evidencing negligible phonon contributions. In addition, clear acoustic de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations in the elastic constant were detected for both compounds on applying magnetic field. This is mainly interpreted as contribution from the Fermi surface of YIr$_2$Zn$_{20}$.
Acoustic signatures of the single-site quadrupolar Kondo effect in Y$_{0.966}$Pr$_{0.034}$Ir$_2$Zn$_{20}$ are presented. The elastic constant ($C_{11}-C_{12}$)/2, corresponding to the $Gamma_3$(E)-symmetry electric-quadrupolar response, reveals a logarithmic temperature dependence of the quadrupolar susceptibility in the low-magnetic-field region below $sim$0.3 K. Furthermore, the Curie-type divergence of the elastic constant down to $sim$1 K indicates that the Pr ions in this diluted system have a non-Kramers ground-state doublet. These observations evidence the single-site quadrupolar Kondo effect, as previously suggested based on specific-heat and electrical resistivity data.
Electrical resistivity $rho(T)$ and specific heat $C(T)$ measurements have been made on the diluted 4$f^2$ system Y(Pr)Ir$_2$Zn$_{20}$. Both data of $rho$ and magnetic specific heat $C_{rm m}$ per Pr ion are well scaled as a function of $T/T_{rm 0}$, where $T_{rm 0}$ is a characteristic temperature of non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behaviors. Furthermore, the temperature dependences of $rho$ and $C_{mathrm{m}}/T$ agree with the NFL behaviors predicted by the two-channel Kondo model for the strong coupling limit. Therefore, we infer that the observed NFL behaviors result from the single-site quadrupole Kondo effect due to the hybridization of the 4$f^2$ states with multi-channel conduction electrons.
A detailed microscopic and quantitative description of the electronic and magnetic properties of Gd$^{3+}$-doped YCo$_{2}$Zn$_{20}$ single crystals (Y$_{1-x}$Gd$_{x}$Co$_{2}$Zn$_{20}$: (0.002 $lesssim x leq $ 1.00) is reported through a combination of temperature-dependent electron spin resonance (ESR), heat capacity and $dc$ magnetic susceptibility experiments, plus first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The ESR results indicate that this system features an emph{exchange bottleneck} scenario wherein various channels for the spin-lattice relaxation mechanism of the Gd$^{3+}$ ions can be identified via exchange interactions with different types of conduction electrons at the Fermi level. Quantitative support from the other techniques allow to extract the exchange interaction parameters between the localized magnetic moments of the Gd$^{3+}$ ions and the different types of conduction electrons present at the Fermi level ($J_{fs}$, $J_{fp}$ and $J_{fd}$). Despite the complexity of the crystal structure, our combination of experimental and electronic structure data establish GdCo$_{2}$Zn$_{20}$ as a model RKKY system by predicting a Curie-Weiss temperature $theta_{C} = -1.2(2)$~K directly from microscopic parameters, in very good agreement with the bulk value from magnetization data. The successful microscopic understanding of the electronic structure and behavior for the two end compounds YCo$_{2}$Zn$_{20}$ and GdCo$_{2}$Zn$_{20}$ means they can be used as references to help describe the more complex electronic properties of related materials.
We make a new proposal to describe the very low temperature susceptibility of the doped Haldane gap compound Y$_2$BaNi$_{1-x}$Zn$_x$O$_5$. We propose a new mean field model relevant for this compound. The ground state of this mean field model is unconventional because antiferromagnetism coexists with random dimers. We present new susceptibility experiments at very low temperature. We obtain a Curie-Weiss susceptibility $chi(T) sim C / (Theta+T)$ as expected for antiferromagnetic correlations but we do not obtain a direct signature of antiferromagnetic long range order. We explain how to obtain the ``impurity susceptibility $chi_{imp}(T)$ by subtracting the Haldane gap contribution to the total susceptibility. In the temperature range [1 K, 300 K] the experimental data are well fitted by $T chi_{imp}(T) = C_{imp} (1 + T_{imp}/T )^{-gamma}$. In the temperature range [100 mK, 1 K] the experimental data are well fitted by $T chi_{imp}(T) = A ln{(T/T_c)}$, where $T_c$ increases with $x$. This fit suggests the existence of a finite Neel temperature which is however too small to be probed directly in our experiments. We also obtain a maximum in the temperature dependence of the ac-susceptibility $chi(T)$ which suggests the existence of antiferromagnetic correlations at very low temperature.
Praseodymium-based 1-2-20 cage compounds Pr$T_2X_{20}$ ($T$ is generally Ti, V, Nb, Ru, Rh, Ir; and $X$ is either Al, Zn or Cd) provide yet another platform to study non-trivial electronic states of matter ranging from topological and magnetic orders to unconventional multipolar orders and superconductivity. In this paper, we report measurements of the electronic heat capacity in two Pr-based 1-2-20 materials: PrNi$_2$Cd$_{20}$ and PrPd$_2$Cd$_{20}$. We find that the lowest energy multiplet of the Pr $4f^2$ valence configuration is a $Gamma_3$ non-Kramers doublet and can, therefore, be described as a two-level system. By analyzing the dependence of the energy splitting between the ground and first excited singlet states on external magnetic field, we found that the interactions between the two-level systems are weak in PrNi$_2$Cd$_{20}$. However, in PrPd$_2$Cd$_{20}$, the exchange interactions that ultimately promote magnetic or multipolar order are strong enough and must be taken into account to accurately describe the dependence of the energy level splitting on external magnetic field.