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Mode-Multiplexed Full-Field Reconstruction Using Direct and Phase Retrieval Detection

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 Added by Haoshuo Chen Chen
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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We realize mode-multiplexed full-field reconstruction over six spatial and polarization modes after 30-km multimode fiber transmission using intensity-only measurements without any optical carrier or local oscillator at the receiver or transmitter. The receivers capabilities to cope with modal dispersion and mode dependent loss are experimentally demonstrated.

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We realize dual-polarization full-field recovery using intensity only measurements and phase retrieval techniques based on dispersive elements. 30-Gbaud QPSK waveforms are transmitted over 520-km standard single-mode fiber and equalized from the receiver outputs using 2X2 MIMO.
Conventional optical coherent receivers capture the full electrical field, including amplitude and phase, of a signal waveform by measuring its interference against a stable continuous-wave local oscillator (LO). In optical coherent communications, powerful digital signal processing (DSP) techniques operating on the full electrical field can effectively undo transmission impairments such as chromatic dispersion (CD), and polarization mode dispersion (PMD). Simpler direct detection techniques do not have access to the full electrical field and therefore lack the ability to compensate for these impairments. We present a full-field measurement technique using only direct detection that does not require any beating with a strong carrier LO. Rather, phase retrieval algorithms based on alternating projections that makes use of dispersive elements are discussed, allowing to recover the optical phase from intensity-only measurements. In this demonstration, the phase retrieval algorithm is a modified Gerchberg Saxton (GS) algorithm that achieves a simulated optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) penalty of less than 4dB compared to theory at a bit-error rate of 2 times 10-2. Based on the proposed phase retrieval scheme, we experimentally demonstrate signal detection and subsequent standard 2x2 multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) equalization of a polarization-multiplexed 30-Gbaud QPSK transmitted over a 520-km standard single-mode fiber (SMF) span.
In imaging modalities recording diffraction data, the original image can be reconstructed assuming known phases. When phases are unknown, oversampling and a constraint on the support region in the original object can be used to solve a non-convex optimization problem. Such schemes are ill-suited to find the optimum solution for sparse data, since the recorded image does not correspond exactly to the original wave function. We construct a convex optimization problem using a relaxed support constraint and a maximum-likelihood treatment of the recorded data as a sample from the underlying wave function. We also stress the need to use relevant windowing techniques to account for the sampled pattern being finite. On simulated data, we demonstrate the benefits of our approach in terms of visual quality and an improvement in the crystallographic R-factor from .4 to .1 for highly noisy data.
We present a method to reconstruct the complete statistical mode structure and optical losses of multimode conjugated optical fields using an experimentally measured joint photon-number probability distribution. We demonstrate that this method evaluates classical and non-classical properties using a single measurement technique and is well-suited for quantum mesoscopic state characterization. We obtain a nearly-perfect reconstruction of a field comprised of up to 10 modes based on a minimal set of assumptions. To show the utility of this method, we use it to reconstruct the mode structure of an unknown bright parametric down-conversion source.
We suggest and demonstrate a scheme to reconstruct the symmetric two-mode squeezed thermal states of spectral sideband modes from an optical parametric oscillator. The method is based on a single homodyne detector and active stabilization of the cavity. The measurement scheme have been successfully tested on different two-mode squeezed thermal states, ranging from uncorrelated coherent states to entangled states.
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