HighwayGraph: Modelling Long-distance Node Relations for Improving General Graph Neural Network

Abstract in English

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are efficient approaches to process graph-structured data. Modelling long-distance node relations is essential for GNN training and applications. However, conventional GNNs suffer from bad performance in modelling long-distance node relations due to limited-layer information propagation. Existing studies focus on building deep GNN architectures, which face the over-smoothing issue and cannot model node relations in particularly long distance. To address this issue, we propose to model long-distance node relations by simply relying on shallow GNN architectures with two solutions: (1) Implicitly modelling by learning to predict node pair relations (2) Explicitly modelling by adding edges between nodes that potentially have the same label. To combine our two solutions, we propose a model-agnostic training framework named HighwayGraph, which overcomes the challenge of insufficient labeled nodes by sampling node pairs from the training set and adopting the self-training method. Extensive experimental results show that our HighwayGraph achieves consistent and significant improvements over four representative GNNs on three benchmark datasets.
