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Electromagnetically induced transparency at a chiral exceptional point

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 Added by Changqing Wang
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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Electromagnetically induced transparency, as a quantum interference effect to eliminate optical absorption in an opaque medium, has found extensive applications in slow light generation, optical storage, frequency conversion, optical quantum memory as well as enhanced nonlinear interactions at the few-photon level in all kinds of systems. Recently, there have been great interests in exceptional points, a spectral singularity that could be reached by tuning various parameters in open systems, to render unusual features to the physical systems, such as optical states with chirality. Here we theoretically and experimentally study transparency and absorption modulated by chiral optical states at exceptional points in an indirectly-coupled resonator system. By tuning one resonator to an exceptional point, transparency or absorption occurs depending on the chirality of the eigenstate. Our results demonstrate a new strategy to manipulate the light flow and the spectra of a photonic resonator system by exploiting a discrete optical state associated with specific chirality at an exceptional point as a unique control bit, which opens up a new horizon of controlling slow light using optical states. Compatible with the idea of state control in quantum gate operation, this strategy hence bridges optical computing and storage.

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Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is a promising technology for the enhancement of light-matter interactions, and recent demonstrations of the quantum EIT realized in artificial micro-structured medium have remarkably reduced the extreme requirement for experimental observation of EIT spectrum. In this paper, we propose to electrically control the EIT spectrum in a metamaterial for an electromagnetic modulator. A diode acting as a tunable resistor is loaded in the gap of two paired wires to inductively tune the magnetic resonance, which induces remarkable modulation on the EIT spectrum through the metamaterial sample. The experimental measurements confirmed that the prediction of electromagnetic modulation in three narrow bands on the EIT spectrum, and a modulation contrast of up to 31 dB was achieved on the transmission through the metamaterial. Our results may facilitate the study on active/dynamical technology in translational metamaterials, which connect extraordinary manipulations on the flow of light in metamaterials, e.g., the exotic EIT, and practical applications in industry.
179 - Tingting Liu 2018
The metamaterial analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in terahertz (THz) regime holds fascinating prospects for filling the THz gap in various functional devices. In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid metamaterial to actively manipulate the resonance strength of EIT effect. By integrating a monolayer graphene into a THz metal metamaterial, an on-to-off modulation of the EIT transparency window is achieved under different Fermi levels of graphene. According to the classical two-particle model and the distributions of the electric field and surface charge density, the physical mechanism is attributable to the recombination effect of conductive graphene. This work reveals a novel manipulation mechanism of EIT resonance in the hybrid metamaterial and offers a new perspective towards designing THz functional devices.
143 - Chao Hang , Guoxiang Huang 2007
We propose a scheme to generate temporal vector optical solitons in a lifetime broadened five-state atomic medium via electromagnetically induced transparency. We show that this scheme, which is fundamentally different from the passive one by using optical fibers, is capable of achieving distortion-free vector optical solitons with ultraslow propagating velocity under very weak drive conditions. We demonstrate both analytically and numerically that it is easy to realize Manakov temporal vector solitons by actively manipulating the dispersion and self- and cross-phase modulation effects of the system.
Recent years have seen vast progress in the generation and detection of structured light, with potential applications in high capacity optical data storage and continuous variable quantum technologies. Here we measure the transmission of structured light through cold rubidium atoms and observe regions of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). We use q-plates to generate a probe beam with azimuthally varying phase and polarisation structure, and its right and left circular polarisation components provide the probe and control of an EIT transition. We observe an azimuthal modulation of the absorption profile that is dictated by the phase and polarisation structure of the probe laser. Conventional EIT systems do not exhibit phase sensitivity. We show, however, that a weak transverse magnetic field closes the EIT transitions, thereby generating phase dependent dark states which in turn lead to phase dependent transparency, in agreement with our measurements.
We report electromagnetically induced transparency for the D1 and D2 lines in $^{6}$Li in both a vapour cell and an atomic beam. Electromagnetically induced transparency is created using co-propagating mutually coherent laser beams with a frequency difference equal to the hyperfine ground state splitting of 228.2 MHz. The effects of various optical polarization configurations and applied magnetic fields are investigated. In addition, we apply an optical Ramsey spectroscopy technique which further reduces the observed resonance width.
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