A New Theory Framework for the Electroweak Radiative Corrections in $K_{l3}$ Decays

Abstract in English

We propose a new theory framework to study the electroweak radiative corrections in $K_{l3}$ decays by combining the classic current algebra approach with the modern effective field theory. Under this framework, the most important $mathcal{O}(G_Falpha)$ radiative corrections are described by a single tensor $T^{mu u}$ involving the time-ordered product between the charged weak current and the electromagnetic current, and all remaining pieces are calculable order-by-order in Chiral Perturbation Theory. We further point out a special advantage in the $K_{l3}^{0}$ channel that it suffers the least impact from the poorly-constrained low-energy constants. This finding may serve as a basis for a more precise extraction of the matrix element $V_{us}$ in the future.
